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SEO Report
Written by Glen Smith
Updated over a week ago


The "SEO Report" node is a Action node the runs an SEO report on any content received and makes the various elements of that report available to subsequent nodes.


"Action" Node


  • Input - This is the actual content the the SEO Report will be generated for. This content can be input directly into the text input box, or received from another node

  • Output The following elements are made available as outputs:

    • Reading(%)

    • Seo(%)

    • Uniqueness(%)

    • Word Count

    • Keyword Density

    • Reading Grade

    • Reading Time

    • Reading Alias

    • Top Keyword


  • Example 1: In this flow content is created via the Instruct node with the intention of being suitable for a 5th grader. An Seo Report is run on the output, where the Reading grade is checked. If the content is suitable for a 5th grader a document is created, if it is not suitable for a 5th grader the Instruct node is Rerun

  • Example 2: In this flow, a top ten list is created using the Instruct node, the output is run through the SEO Report. A Combine is used to create a new prompt with the top keywords from the Seo Report so that this new Prompt can be used in another Instruct

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